Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Spell work in the office...

I don't often do "official" magick at the office and I've certainly never done magick for anyone. I find it astonishing that once someone gets past the "so you are a real witch?" phase, the "so...I was wondering if you could..." phase begins. Ethically speaking this is a real off-limits area for me and, I hope, for most Pagans. I typically counsel others to delve deeply into their own mysteries and find what lies at the root of their request. Working within their own traditions and beliefs keeps the "Your spell didn't work and now my boyfriend hates me" comments to zero - which is just about the perfect number for my tastes. My spell working is nearly always a personal, private affair or done within the confines of a close-knit group.

Having said all that, I have been undertaking a magickal working though that concerns how I operate within the company I work for. I'm not going to publish any details here, for all of the obvious reasons (note: if you are not sure about the obvious reasons, I highly suggest not doing magick).

As I've mentioned before, the company is in a state of transition and I've been on the forefront of shepherding that transition. The changes are fairly sweeping and the benefit to the company in both the near and far term are quite exciting, however, change invariably comes with a certain amount of fear.

Part of this process at work involves me stepping into a place of considerable power. I've been tasked with re-creating an entire sales system and re-invigorating a sales staff. This is a tall order. The staff that report to me are going to have to believe in the direction I'm taking them in and the folks in the corner offices have to trust me to get us there successfully with as little disruption as possible.

Stepping into one's power sounds tantalizing, and when done well is a magick all unto itself. Ego is connected to power though. There's a chance to become insular, dictatorial and disconnected from the company as a whole. I've no wish to become the "Great I AM" and I've been prone to that in the past (always ending badly, I might add!).

To achieve my aim I have to know where I'm going to, and that's where the magick comes in. Intention is one of the strongest and most potent tools I possess. I know where I want to end up. I can see it clearly. I'm using a considerable amount of personal power to get the project(s) off of the ground but am calling on larger energies to sustain the work through it's completion.

Along with the overall results, I'm hoping to inject compassion and a heightened sense of ethical responsibility into the fabric of the workplace.

We shall see...


  1. Just be careful not to use too much of your personal resources (power/energy) leaving yourself empty.

  2. And I'll tell you, that is a difficult thing to manage. I sometimes forget where the "personal me" and the "offoce me" leave off!
