Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Witch bits...

It has been a bit of time since I posted anything here. The past month has been exciting, busy, hectic and loaded with new energy. The direction of the company is moving rapidly and, for better or worse, it's my job to shepherd/priestess those changes along.

As an easy intro back into the blogging saddle, I thought I'd post a few snippets of conversations I've had or heard recently.

A programmer at work was going through data looking to glean some information and said to me

" Sorry, going through all of these numbers is a bit of a Witch hunt...Oh Geez, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, um...What I meant to say was..."

I let her off the hook after a few awkward moments of stammering around (with a smile).

A newer employee making small talk with me said

"Are you looking forward to Hanukkah this year?"
" oh, I thought you were Jewish. I see that Star of David neckla...oh, it isn't a Star of Da...Oh! Um...What does that mean exactly, Pagan?"

Overheard, one of my favourite employees talking to someone by the water cooler

"No his wife is great. why do you ask?"
"Oh, I was talking with (insert name here) and he said that she was a real witch"
"Ahhh...That she is and so is he!"

It was the totally befuddled look on their face that made this one priceless!

That's it for now!

Blessed be!